0×00 说明:
这是一款基于主机的漏洞扫描工具,采用多线程确保可以快速的请求数据,采用线程锁可以在向sqlite数据库中写入数据避免database is locked的错误,采用md5哈希算法确保数据不重复插入。
0×01 起因:
0×02 原理:
1. 搜集CVE与KB的对应关系。首先在微软官网上收集CVE与KB对应的关系,然后存储进数据库中
2. 查找特定CVE网上是否有公开的EXP
3. 利用powershell脚本收集主机的一些系统版本与KB信息
4. 利用系统版本与KB信息搜寻主机上具有存在公开EXP的CVE
0×03 参数:
# author: JC0o0l
# GitHub: https://github.com/chroblert/
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u, --update-cve 更新CVEKB数据
-U, --update-exp 更新CVEEXP数据
-C, --check-EXP 检索具有EXP的CVE
-f FILE, --file FILE ps1脚本运行后产生的.json文件
0×04 示例:
1. 首先运行powershell脚本KBCollect.ps
2. 将运行后产生的KB.json
3. 安装一些python3模块
python3 -m pip install requirements.txt
4. 运行cve-check.py -u
5. 运行cve-check.py -U
6. 运行cve-check.py -C -f KB.json
0×05 源码:
function Get-CollectKB(){ # 1. 搜集所有的KB补丁 $KBArray = @() $KBArray = Get-HotFix|ForEach-Object {$_.HotFixId} $test = $KBArray|ConvertTo-Json return $test } function Get-BasicInfo(){ # 1. 操作系统 # $windowsProductName = (Get-ComputerInfo).WindowsProductName $windowsProductName = (Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption # 2. 操作系统版本 $windowsVersion = (Get-ComputerInfo).WindowsVersion $basicInfo = "{""windowsProductName"":""$windowsProductName"",""windowsVersion"":""$windowsVersion""}" return $basicInfo } $basicInfo = Get-BasicInfo $KBList = Get-CollectKB $KBResult = "{""basicInfo"":$basicInfo,""KBList"":$KBList}" $KBResult|Out-File KB.json -encoding utf8
import requests import sqlite3 import json import hashlib import math import re import threading import time import argparse from pathlib import Path # 删除一些ssl 认证的warnging信息 requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() ThreadCount=20 DBFileName="CVEKB.db" TableName="CVEKB" insertSQL = [] updateSQL = [] lock = threading.Lock() KBResult = {} parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-u","--update-cve",help="更新CVEKB数据",action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-U","--update-exp",help="更新CVEEXP数据",action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-C","--check-EXP",help="检索具有EXP的CVE",action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-f","--file",help="ps1脚本运行后产生的.json文件") args = parser.parse_args() class CVEScanThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self,func,args,name="",): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.func = func self.args = args self.name = name self.result = None def run(self): print("thread:{} :start scan page {}".format(self.args[1],self.args[0])) self.result = self.func(self.args[0],) print("thread:{} :stop scan page {}".format(self.args[1],self.args[0])) class EXPScanThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self,func,args,name="",): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.func = func self.args = args self.name = name self.result = None def run(self): print("thread:{} :start scan CVE: {},xuehao:{}".format(self.args[1],self.args[0],self.args[2])) self.result = self.func(self.args[0],) print("thread:{} :stop scan CVE: {}".format(self.args[1],self.args[0])) def get_result(self): threading.Thread.join(self) try: return self.result except Exception: return "Error" def get_page_num(num=1,pageSize=100): url = "https://portal.msrc.microsoft.com/api/security-guidance/en-us" payload = "{/"familyIds/":[],/"productIds/":[],/"severityIds/":[],/"impactIds/":[],/"pageNumber/":" + str(num) + ",/"pageSize/":" + str(pageSize) + ",/"includeCveNumber/":true,/"includeSeverity/":false,/"includeImpact/":false,/"orderBy/":/"publishedDate/",/"orderByMonthly/":/"releaseDate/",/"isDescending/":true,/"isDescendingMonthly/":true,/"queryText/":/"/",/"isSearch/":false,/"filterText/":/"/",/"fromPublishedDate/":/"01/01/1998/",/"toPublishedDate/":/"03/02/2020/"}" headers = { 'origin': "https//portal.msrc.microsoft.com", 'referer': "https//portal.msrc.microsoft.com/en-us/security-guidance", 'accept-language': "zh-CN", 'user-agent': "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36 Edge/16.16299", 'accept': "application/json, text/plain, */*", 'accept-encoding': "gzip, deflate", 'host': "portal.msrc.microsoft.com", 'connection': "close", 'cache-control': "no-cache", 'content-type': "application/json", } response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers, verify = False) resultCount = json.loads(response.text)['count'] return math.ceil(int(resultCount)/100) def update_cvekb_database(num=1,pageSize=100): pageCount = get_page_num() #for i in range(1,pageCount+1): i = 1 pageCount=524 tmpCount = ThreadCount while i <= pageCount: tmpCount = ThreadCount if (pageCount - i) >= ThreadCount else pageCount - i print("i:{},pageCount-i:{},ThreadCount:{},PageCount:{}".format(i,pageCount-i,ThreadCount,pageCount)) time.sleep(0.5) threads = [] print("===============================") for j in range(1,tmpCount + 1): print("更新第{}页".format(i+j-1)) t = CVEScanThread(update_onepage_cvedb_database,(i+j-1,j,),str(j)) threads.append(t) for t in threads: t.start() for t in threads: t.join() # update_onepage_cvedb_database(num=i) i = i + tmpCount conn = sqlite3.connect(DBFileName) for sql in insertSQL: conn.execute(sql) conn.commit() conn.close() if tmpCount != ThreadCount: break def check_POC_every_CVE(CVEName=""): #apiKey = "" #url = "https://exploits.shodan.io/api/search?query=" + CVEName + "&key=" + apiKey url = "https://exploits.shodan.io/?q=" + CVEName try: response = requests.request("GET",url=url,verify=False,timeout=10) #total = json.loads(response.text) except Exception as e: print("Error,{}".format(CVEName)) print(e) return "Error" if "Total Results" not in response.text: return "False" else: return "True" def update_onepage_cvedb_database(num=1,pageSize=100): url = "https://portal.msrc.microsoft.com/api/security-guidance/en-us" payload = "{/"familyIds/":[],/"productIds/":[],/"severityIds/":[],/"impactIds/":[],/"pageNumber/":" + str(num) + ",/"pageSize/":" + str(pageSize) + ",/"includeCveNumber/":true,/"includeSeverity/":false,/"includeImpact/":false,/"orderBy/":/"publishedDate/",/"orderByMonthly/":/"releaseDate/",/"isDescending/":true,/"isDescendingMonthly/":true,/"queryText/":/"/",/"isSearch/":false,/"filterText/":/"/",/"fromPublishedDate/":/"01/01/1998/",/"toPublishedDate/":/"03/02/2020/"}" headers = { 'origin': "https//portal.msrc.microsoft.com", 'referer': "https//portal.msrc.microsoft.com/en-us/security-guidance", 'accept-language': "zh-CN", 'user-agent': "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36 Edge/16.16299", 'accept': "application/json, text/plain, */*", 'accept-encoding': "gzip, deflate", 'host': "portal.msrc.microsoft.com", 'connection': "close", 'cache-control': "no-cache", 'content-type': "application/json", } try: response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers, verify = False) resultList = json.loads(response.text)['details'] except : print(response.text) conn = sqlite3.connect(DBFileName) create_sql = """Create Table IF NOT EXISTS {} ( hash TEXT UNIQUE, name TEXT, KBName TEXT, CVEName TEXT, impact TEXT, hasPOC TEXT)""".format(TableName) conn.execute(create_sql) conn.commit() conn.close() for result in resultList: KBName = result['articleTitle1'] + ";" if (result['articleTitle1'] != None) and result['articleTitle1'].isdigit() else "" KBName += result['articleTitle2'] + ";" if (result['articleTitle2'] != None) and result['articleTitle2'].isdigit() else "" KBName += result['articleTitle3'] + ";" if (result['articleTitle3'] != None) and result['articleTitle3'].isdigit() else "" KBName += result['articleTitle4'] + ";" if (result['articleTitle4'] != None) and result['articleTitle4'].isdigit() else "" if KBName == "": continue h1 = hashlib.md5() metaStr = result['name'] + KBName + result['cveNumber'] + result['impact'] h1.update(metaStr.encode('utf-8')) #hasPOC = check_POC_every_CVE(result['cveNumber']) # 收集到所有的KB后再搜索有没有公开的EXP hasPOC = "" sql = "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO "+TableName+" VALUES ('" + h1.hexdigest() + "','" + result['name'] + "','" + KBName + "','" + result['cveNumber'] + "','" + result['impact'] + "','" + hasPOC+"')" with lock: global insertSQL insertSQL.append(sql) # conn.execute(sql) # conn.commit() # conn.close() # pass def select_CVE(tmpList=[],windowsProductName="",windowsVersion=""): conn = sqlite3.connect(DBFileName) con = conn.cursor() intersectionList = [] count = 0 for i in tmpList: sql = 'select distinct(CVEName) from '+ TableName+' where (name like "'+ windowsProductName+'%'+ windowsVersion + '%") and ("'+ i +'" not in (select KBName from '+ TableName +' where name like "'+ windowsProductName+'%'+windowsVersion+'%")); ' cveList = [] for cve in con.execute(sql): cveList.append(cve[0]) if count == 0: intersectionList = cveList.copy() count +=1 intersectionList = list(set(intersectionList).intersection(set(cveList))) intersectionList.sort() for cve in intersectionList: sql = "select CVEName from {} where CVEName == '{}' and hasPOC == 'True'".format(TableName,cve) # print(sql) con.execute(sql) if len(con.fetchall()) != 0: print("{} has EXP".format(cve)) # print(intersectionList) def update_hasPOC(key = "Empty"): conn = sqlite3.connect(DBFileName) con = conn.cursor() if key == "All": sql = "select distinct(CVEName) from {}".format(TableName) else: sql = "select distinct(CVEName) from {} where (hasPOC IS NULL) OR (hasPOC == '')".format(TableName) con.execute(sql) cveNameList = con.fetchall() i = 0 count = 1 while i < len(cveNameList): print("|=========={}============|".format(i)) # tmpCount = ThreadCount if (len(cveNameList) - i) >= ThreadCount else len(cveNameList) - i # threads = [] # for j in range(1,tmpCount+1): # t = EXPScanThread(check_POC_every_CVE,(cveNameList[i+j][0],j,i+j,),str(j)) # threads.append(t) # for t in threads: # t.start() # for t in threads: # t.join() # j = 1 # for t in threads: # hasPOC = t.get_result() # print(hasPOC) # update_sql = "UPDATE "+TableName+" set hasPOC = '" + hasPOC + "' WHERE cveName == '" + cveNameList[i+j][0] +"';" # conn.execute(update_sql) # print("[+] update:{}".format(update_sql)) # j += 1 # i=i+ThreadCount # conn.commit() hasPOC = check_POC_every_CVE(cveNameList[i][0]) time.sleep(0.3) update_sql = "UPDATE "+TableName+" set hasPOC = '" + hasPOC + "' WHERE cveName == '" + cveNameList[i][0] +"';" conn.execute(update_sql) print(update_sql) count += 1 i += 1 if count == 10: conn.commit() print("[+]update") count = 1 conn.commit() conn.close() print("Over") if __name__ == "__main__": banner = """ ========CVE-EXP-Check=============== | author:JC0o0l | | wechat:JC_SecNotes | | version:1.0 | ===================================== """ print(banner) if (not args.check_EXP ) and (not args.update_cve) and (not args.update_exp) and args.file is None: parser.print_help() if args.update_cve: update_cvekb_database() if args.update_exp: dbfile=Path(DBFileName) if dbfile.exists(): update_hasPOC(key="Empty") else: print("请先使用-u 创建数据库") parser.print_help() if args.check_EXP: dbfile=Path(DBFileName) if not dbfile.exists(): print("请先使用-u 创建数据库,之后使用 -U 更新是否有EXP") parser.print_help() exit() if args.file: with open(args.file,"r",encoding="utf-8") as f: KBResult = json.load(f) windowsProductName = KBResult['basicInfo']['windowsProductName'] windowsProductName = ((re.search("/w[/w|/s]+/d+[/s|$]",windowsProductName).group()).strip()).replace("Microsoft","").strip() windowsVersion = KBResult['basicInfo']['windowsVersion'] print("系统信息如下:") print("{} {}".format(windowsProductName,windowsVersion)) tmpKBList = KBResult['KBList'] KBList = [] for KB in tmpKBList: KBList.append(KB.replace("KB","")) print("KB信息如下:") print(KBList) print("EXP信息如下:") select_CVE(tmpList=KBList,windowsProductName=windowsProductName,windowsVersion=windowsVersion) else: print("请输入.json文件")